I went to Africa to build churches with Pastor Sam and Pastor Linus. Here's the story.
I went with a group to Africa to build churches with hopes that I could make a difference in the lives of beautiful Kenyan souls. The journal I kept became this book. I can truly say I have accomplished another Bucket List item. I have visited with starving children, inhaled the dust from dirt roads in the bush, hand-fed giraffes, seen lions mating in the wild, hiked a goat path mountain. I have boated down and swam in the Tana River, the longest and largest river in Kenya. I had breakfast with African bees and lunch with a long tree rat named “Fan.” I have experienced living in a pastor’s home in Limuru, stayed in an upscale lodge in the village of Marimanti in the county of Tharaka Nithi, discovered my new favorite ginger drink Tangawizi Stoney, and have seen first-hand a goat being slaughtered for dinner later that night. I have stood on the Equator, have seen the second highest mountain in Europe, Mt. Kenya, and have seen an international ministers conference center. I have gone on two African safaris and have met some of the most humble, grateful people in the world.
It’s been an honor to be a part of dedications of three newly constructed church buildings way out in the bush. And proud to buy a milking goat we named Mercy to donate to one of the churches. I have ridden on a moto-bike driven by one of the pastors on dusty roads out in the bush. And I have met a wonderful man named Moses, wearing that beautiful pink shirt.
My name is Michael Young
D. Michael Young has recently retired from over 30 years in the physical therapy/rehabilitation field, having worked in nursing homes, home health and hospital settings.
He currently lives in Winston-Salem, NC. He was born into a Christian Methodist family in Salisbury, NC, and has always been involved in Bible studies, church committees, missions, and volunteer endeavors. He is a graduate of Wofford College, a private Methodist college in Spartanburg, SC. He has always reached out to assist the less fortunate and share the love of Christ in everything he has done.
His hope with this book is to fully inspire the readers
to realize their blessings, to be grateful to their creator,
and to give generously to those in need.